Frequently Asked Questions
• I don't have NVG's but I want to support your company...
Surprisingly this is the question I've gotten the most, hence why it's at the top. It's been a crazy year to say the least. The overwhelming support and kind words I've received has been both heartwarming and mind blowing. Support came from not only people that I knew, but also complete strangers that heard my story, stepped up and had my back. One particular message I often heard was: "I don't have NVGs but I want to support your company regardless." If you feel so inclined, I offer Nocorium™ Premium T-Shirts in a variety of styles. I initially made them to rep my own company, but so many people liked them they're available in the apparel and swag section of my store. But please don't feel compelled to buy one. The simple fact that you're someone visiting my site, sending me good vibes, goes a very long way.
I am continually floored by the community's support, kindness and well wishes. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I will stay humble. I will not forget your kindness. And now back to your regularly scheduled wrap programming ...
• What is a NVG Wrap™?
NVG Wraps™, Camo Skins, Camo Wraps, NOD Wraps, (whatever you wanna call them) are non-permanent, adhesive-backed vinyl stickers you can apply to your gear to change the surface appearance. The ones offered by Nocorium™ are manufactured from an automotive grade vinyl, precision cut to the device it is specifically designed to go on.
• What colors do NVG Wraps™ come in?
We have the ability to do a wide variety of colors. For the initial release of the product line we started off producing them in Crye Precision™ camo patterns: Multicam, Multicam Tropic, Multicam Arid, and Multicam Black. We have since added solid colors (Ranger Green and Coyote Brown) and other camos (M81-Woodland, Nam-Era accurate Tiger Stripe and Desert Night Camo, aka DNC). Multicam Alpine is available as a special order item.
More colors and camos will be available soon.
• Multicam ...
Yup. Legit, licensed Multicam camo patterns exclusively from Crye Precision™.
• What about other colors?
Soon. We're expanded to solid colors such as Ranger Green + Coyote Brown, and have added M81 Woodland, Tiger Stripe and Desert Night Camo. Don't worry, we're passionate about colors and patterns beyond our current line up too.
• What other devices will these NVG Wraps™ be available for?
• Where does each piece of NVG Wrap™ get placed?
As a key component of every Nocorium™ wrap, we try to ensure an installation video is freely available in each respective product listing for the consumer to reference. The process is shown in real time and attempts to show how best to apply each piece to the device for optimal results. We've found these videos to be far more helpful than any annotated guides as proper application technique can be just as important as knowing which piece goes where. Some sections of the vinyl pieces are intentionally longer than needed and will overlap onto itself as that allows better overall adhesion and long term anchoring.
* Please note: Nocorium™ and associated dealers are not responsible for damaged NVG Wraps™ due to improper end user installation. If it's your first time applying NVG Wraps™, we strongly recommend you take your time with the material and plan ahead as to how the pieces are supposed to go on. The material is relatively forgiving to work with, and you may be able to reposition it a couple times, but if it gets stuck to itself it will most likely stay that way as the adhesive is very strong (intentionally so).
• How important is prep-work anyway?
Properly preparing your Night Vision Device is key to optimal final results. If your device is particularly salty (you know who you are), it may require a more thorough cleaning. However, in most cases a simple wipe down of the device's surface with isopropyl alcohol and allowed to air dry should suffice. In fact we feel it's important enough that we start every video with that cleaning step. The device doesn't have to be "clean room" clean, but we definitely want to set our selves up for success as we should with all things in life.
• Are the wraps hard to remove?
Not at all! You should check out our HOW-TO Section. We've shot videos of how to remove old Nocorium NVG Wraps™, how to prep/clean your NVG device before applying a new set of NVG Wraps™, etc. Please note: We don't have wrap application videos pertaining to every device we offer wraps for ... because we don't have every device on hand at all times. But so far we do have them for the vast majority of the products.
• Are the vinyl wraps reflective under IR light?
The NVG Wraps™ are NOT reflective at all. They have a matte finish under visible light. When viewed under both passive and active IR light, the material blends in about the same as regular multicam fabric. In fact, the material has a much lower visual signature under IR when compared to the black polymer and black anodized components of the device itself:

• Are the Nocorium NVG Wraps™ heavy???
No. Not in the slightest. The vinyl material used is a premium material but it is not a thick nor heavy vinyl. An entire set of Nocorium NVG wraps™ on a set of Bino NVGs, is under 4 grams. An entire set of Nocorium NVG Wraps™ for a monocular NVG (PVS-14 etc) would be under 1.7 grams in total. For comparison sake, here's a wad of Nocorium NVG Wraps™ freshly ripped off a bino NVG device ... and on the right we have a Matbock Tarsier Eclipse™ (a device popularly used by some NVG users to allow for simultaneous near and far perception) that weighs 29.4 grams each ... and are used in pairs on bino NVGs to cover both objective lenses for a 60 gram total additive weight. And no one is complaining about 60 grams, so an additional 2-4 grams of NVG Wraps™ should be imperceptible to users.
• Nocorium™ ... that's an interesting name.
We think so too! If you're curious how we came up with Nocorium™, we have a dedicated page with a fun video (well, we think it's fun).
• So why buy a Nocorium NVG Wrap™?
There are lots of buying choices in the world today. You're free to spend your money however you want. We're just a small USA based company, designing and conceiving products in the good ol' US of A, manufacturing this product from USA sourced materials, supporting USA production and logistic channels, and most importantly (for us), employing Americans. We hope these are qualities that attract like minded people and groups. :)